Stay in network for care. FEP Blue Basic gives you access to our Preferred provider network that includes over 2 million doctors and hospitals in the U.S.
With FEP Blue Basic, you must see Preferred providers to get care. But there are no deductibles or expenditure amounts you must reach before we pay our share.
Preferred drug coverage Medicare Part B Reimbursement Access to Mail Service Pharmacy with Medicare Access to FEP Medicare Prescription Drug ProgramEligible members with Medicare get lower out-of-pocket costs for higher cost drugs and additional approved prescription drugs in some tiers than the traditional pharmacy benefit. Learn more here.
Want to see detailed benefits for this plan? Download the 2024 Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan Brochure – FEP Blue Standard and FEP Blue Basic below. For a convenient summary of our three coverage options, download the 2024 Benefit Summary Book.
These rates do not apply to all enrollees. If you are in a special enrollment category, contact the agency or Tribal employer that manages your health benefits enrollment.
Use our National Doctor and Hospital Finder tool to see if your current doctor is in our Preferred provider network or to find a specialist, retail clinic or urgent care center near you.
Each member of a FEP Blue Basic plan who has Medicare Part A and Part B can get reimbursed up to $800 per year for paying their Medicare Part B premiums.
Our AskBlue SM FEP Medical Plan Finder tool can help you select the right option for your needs.
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