Effective July 1, 2009, please refer to the Department of Taxation website through the link below for all instructions for completing the P64A or P64B Conveyance Tax Certificate and/or Exemption from Conveyance Tax.
For all forms, including petitions, information sheets and sample forms for Land Court Judiciary, please refer to the Hawai’i State Judiciary website.
For Rule 58.5 and LD Form B, refer to “Hawaii Rules of Court” page.
Updated UCC forms found on this link go into effect 7/1/2023 and were amended to address commercial transactions involving emerging technologies. Although you are encouraged to use the newer forms from 7/1/2023, customers are responsible for the accurate and correct completion of the proper UCC form(s) and version to meet their particular needs. Questions on how to complete these forms should NOT be directed to our office. Hawaii will continue to accept the older forms UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.
UCC forms can be submitted electronically by business customers. Please refer to the list of vendors that are able to support this in conjunction with the BOC.