How to Prepare for the Geography Bee

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The official National Geographic Bee started in 1989, a time when the world was changing rapidly. Today, over ten thousand schools—12% of the nation’s total—and approximately four million students participate. With such stiff competition, the eventual winner will have to be prepared!

Part 1 of 3:

Studying for the Bee

Step 1 Gather your materials.

Step 2 Understand that geography.


Step 3 Pay attention to the news.

Step 4 Learn from previous years’ competitions.

Step 5 Involve friends and family.

Advertisement Part 2 of 3:

Performing in the Bee

<a href=Step 1 Practice healthy habits." width="460" height="345" />

Step 2 Manage performance anxiety.

Step 3 Face the audience with confidence.

Step 4 Get ready for next year.

Get ready for next year. If you are disappointed in your performance, know that you can try again next year as long as you will still be in 4th-8th grade. Students may participate up to five times total. If you will be in 9th grade next year, don't worry! There are many geography competitions that may be the right fit for you. Check out the International Geography Bee, the Geography Olympiad, and the North South Foundation.

Advertisement Part 3 of 3:

Moving on to States and Nationals

Step 1 Win your school bee.

Win your school bee. Only one student from each school will have the opportunity to compete in the state bee. This means that, as a fourth grader, you will be competing against students who have a lot more experience than you do. You will be in their position in a few years, though, so don’t give up. How the school bee is conducted depends on your school. Some students have to take tests to qualify, some don't. The school bee ends with a live final with 6-10 students competing. There are some rounds where you will get your own question and some rounds where everyone is asked a common question. It's OK if you give one incorrect answer, but once you give your second incorrect answer, you will be eliminated. The field is then narrowed down to two competitors who engage in a championship round. They are both asked the same three questions and whoever gets the most correct wins. If there is a tie, more questions are asked in a single-elimination style. If you want to know exactly how your school bee will run, ask the person that runs it.

Step 2 Move on to <a href=the state bee." width="460" height="345" />

Move on to the state bee. If you win your school bee, you may move on to the state bee, but you will not qualify automatically. All school winners will take a test, which will be administered on the computer at your school. You will not be allowed to receive any help on this test. Only those with high enough scores will move onto the state bee. If you think you have a good chance of making it to state, don't stop studying! Check the National Geographic Bee State Qualifiers website on March 2nd, 2020 to see if you qualified. If you name isn't listed, you didn't qualify. 2020 state bees are on March 27th. In the state bee, there are five preliminary rooms. Everyone answers eight different questions. One point is awarded for a correct answer. The students with the top ten scores are state finalists. If there is a tie, it will be broken with a state tiebreaker round. If you would like to see an example of a state final bee, go to YouTube and look for Indiana's.